The second one, Charlie, was a one-food cat most of his life. He was so particular he only ate Deli-Cat. He'd leave other foods untouched for days. The only life-long exception was raw met. He'd get to the cutting board faster than the dog. During his last 2 years he tried all kinds of things, but the first 10-11 years he was very picky.
Charlotte is a whole other story. She likes to try a wide variety of foods. She really likes bready foods like pancakes, bread, cereal. She is the first one in the dog's dinner dish. The one thing we really have to vigorously defend when we have it for dinner is shrimp. It drives her wild.
This morning she was intent on having some of my Rice Chex. I'd give her a small piece, placing it on the edge of the recliner. If I was slow moving my hand, she'd gently push my hand aside before sweeping the piece to the floor before eating it. She did that more than once; I gave her several pieces to keep her from fishing out her own from the bag.
As I write this entry she is stretched out on my arm, on her back, taking one of her many daily naps. Of course, as I finished that sentence, she finished her nap and jumped down.