Saturday, March 18, 2017

Doggie things

First there was "watch your head" -- Marley was a bit distracted as we were getting back into the car.  It looked like he might lift his head while it was under the edge of the door, so without thinking I said "watch your head" and only seconds later he banged his head on the door.  We cracked up

Then there was the priceless look on his face.  Tom was right next to him when he released a large, sonorous gas blast.  Marley's head whipped around and his eyes rolled up and to the side in a clear "why did you do that?" look on his face.  I lost it.  Big belly laughs.

And then, there's one of his favorite games, especially in the evening.  He loves to play keep-away.  His way.  He will bring one of his toys, usually one of the rubber bones, and wave it around, maybe growl a bit, offer it to one of us.  OK.  So far, so good.  As soon as the targeted human reaches for it he'll snatch his head away, maybe growl.  As it progresses, he'll even put it down on or next to a thigh, then growl and snatch it as soon as the hand starts to move.  After several times of  "keep away" he will put it down and let the target pick it up ... to throw.  Then we start again.  He'd gladly play tug of war with it, but we have dedicated tug toys.  The bones & balls are not for tugging.

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