Monday, March 20, 2017

A little touchy ... with good reason

Yesterday at Puppy Play Marley was not himself.  But, when I stop and think about it, he had reason.

First, we had the bad day at home - the power went out, so we discovered a roof leak.  Tom went up in the attic to find the source and get a container under it, and at one point fell halfway through the ceiling.  Marley didn't like the ceiling fan stopping - it had been running 24/7 and the change was, well, ... a change.  He's not fond of change.  Then the noises as Tom moved boards to walk on up in the attic.  Then again as he went up to check the containers to make sure they were big enough to contain the leak.  The power came back after an hour and a half.  We didn't turn the fan back on until last night (he still isn't sure about trusting it).

Then, yesterday, we took him in for his first professional bath.  He's not fond of water and he was nervous about that.  He also had his eyes, ears & teeth checked out.  The bath service also includes "gland expression*".  It wasn't until we were at home and thinking it through that we realized it was probably that "gland expression" was the final straw for him. 

In Puppy Play he was touchy, growling at any puppy that came up from behind him.  I was beginning to think maybe he'd outgrown Puppy Play, then last night, thinking about the "gland expression", it all made sense.  So, we won't schedule a bath right before Puppy Play.  He's only got about a month more that he can go, anyway.

Once again this morning I had both "fur kids" on my lap together.

*  If you're not familiar with "gland expression", it's when they squeeze the glands on either side of the anus to get to "goo" out.  Our previous dog, Max, would have it done when he was already "out" for dental cleaning, so he never knew why he was tender back there.  Plus, he didn't immediately interact with a number of other dogs afterwards. 

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