Monday, March 27, 2017

Feline Freedom

The house has a doggy door.  The "furkids" didn't know about it until a couple days ago.  We has stuffed a pillow inside it, sandwiched between the inner & outer security covers.  With springtime bringing warmer temperatures we decided ti open it & teach them how to use it.

Charlotte got it very quickly.  She is now going in & out many more times per day than ever before.  We no longer need to worry whether she is in or out when we're ready to leave or to go to bed.  We know she'll let herself in , or out, when she's ready.

For Marley it's a whole different story.  The door was installed for a Boston bull terrier (Tom's mom's dog).  Lois's dog, Missy, would almost fly through that opening.  The bottom of the opening is only about 4 inches off the floor.  Marley is somewhat higher than that.  The height inside the opening is right for a Boston.  Marley's deep chest just fits through the opening ... one way.  The flap is two pieces: a smaller flap pushes outward, inside a larger flap that pushes inward.  Marley can hunker down & come inside, but is too big to go out the smaller flap.  So far, he will only come through it if we actively encourage him.  He'd rather stand tall, & come through the people door, instead of having to drag himself inside.

 Marley has to lower his head just to look out the door

We've discussed getting a bigger doggy door so Marley can use it comfortably.  Then we discussed waiting until we see how the mushrooms are this year.  More importantly, we've also discussed waiting until after the new garage is built and we put that part of the fence back up.  We're going to have to take down some of the fence for access & construction.  The doggy door is on the side of the house that would be a nightmare to rearrange the fence in a way that would work for construction, access to the house and dog security.  So, we'll probably separate the front & back yards & keep Marley to the front until it's all put back together.

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