Showing posts with label Critters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Critters. Show all posts

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Patient cat

I've been at my sister's for a few days.  She has a Golden Retriever and a mixed-breed medium sized dog, a somewhat social cat and a hermit cat.  I actually saw the hermit cat twice on this visit.  Her daughter, next door has a Golden a miniature dachshund and a conure.

I've been watching an incredibly patient cat.  The cat enjoys being behind the big fan that helps keep the air moving in my sister's house (look in the upper right corner of the picture).  Part of the day her daughter's dogs are here while she's at work.  The dachshund delights in harassing the cat.  She will "herd" the cat, going for her front legs.  She will pounce at the cat.  She will get in the cat's face.  She will chase the cat.

And the cat just ignores her.  Sometimes the cat will travel across the room on the furniture, but I've not seen her lash out with claws.  I've not even heard the cat complain more than one quiet little sound.  None of the cats I've had in the past would have put up with this little dog.  Some of them would have drawn blood, others would have just slapped her silly without using claws.