Saturday, February 11, 2017

What direction to go next with training?

We will continue to work with Marley on the necessary social skills - walking nicely on a leash, heel, greeting people politely, etc.  We'll continue with the social/obedience skills that he's mastered - sit, down, stand, stay, wait, free (the release command).   We will also continue to teach him "cool" tricks.

Right now he knows:
Shake, other hand, high 5, find it, step (where I indicate where he should put his foot).  I've been looking up other potential tricks for ideas where to go next.  I'd welcome some input.  If you have ideas, comment and let me know.

One observation from past pets of various species is that animals (or people) who keep learning retain the capacity to keep learning.  I've taught dogs, cats, rats a number things over the years.  The ones who were taught more tricks over the years, kept learning well into old age.

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