Monday, February 20, 2017

"Fur kids" in cahoots again

Well, they've been at it again.  As I was bumbling around starting the morning routine, first I heard Marley chewing on a hard toy.  When I was heading back to the living room after letting him out, I saw a dark "ball" on the floor.  Hmmm?  It was somewhat dark still since I only turn on the kitchen LED strip under the counters, on the lowest setting, and the lamp in the corner of the living room at this time of day.  When I picked it up ... DAG NABBIT ALL TO H*** !!  It was the lid to my favorite coffee mug.

I like the covered travel mugs because I can sip my coffee over the course of an hour to four hours while keeping it warm enough to enjoy.  The current pair of mugs were welcome gifts from the credit union and the best we've had so far at keeping our coffee hot.

The best I can guess, since I found my cup on the floor in the kitchen, is that Charlotte was cruising the counter, checking for mice, and bumped the cup to the floor.  This is not the first time she's knocked something off a counter or table that Marley then decided was OK to eat/chew/destroy.  At that point, Marley has a target.  For once it's something of mine instead of Tom's.  He probably resisted temptation for a while, but eventually, he took it.

I don't know if I slept through a "request" (read demand) that I get up somewhere between 6:15 & 7:00 or if he just decided to be up without me.  In the past he'd chew up stuff when I didn't get up when he started his stamping & whining & groaning routine, and he was bored all by himself (or whatever reason led him to the chewing-on-human's-stuff sessions).

At first I though the threads having been breached was why it leaked.  Then, as I set it up for a photo,  I realized it has a gasket for the stopper and it was off track.  I was able to get it back in place and get it at least 98% leak-free.

So, what did I do to Marley?  I picked it up & held it out toward him and asked him "what did you do?" in a very stern voice.  He's sensitive enough that for several hours he skipped the parts of his morning routine and went straight to lap time, trying to suck up.  Even when I started encouraging him to return to "normal" he was reluctant for a while.  He knew he did wrong.  He was very submissive & withdrawn.  Later he returned to pretty much normal, demanding/asking for his daily activities.  He thinks we're playing, but a lot of it really is one kind of training or another.

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