Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Thinking boy

For a few weeks now I've been having Marley make choices.  Mainly, which flavor of treat paste to use in his Kong toy.  For that I've just held two or more cans and he uses his nose to bump the one he wants.  He's pretty adamant about his choices, too.  The first few times he seemed so quick that I wasn't sure and I'd have him do it again.  Then he'd bump it two or three times.  Message delivered!

Today we went a step further.  He was agitating for something.  I couldn't tell if he needed to go outside or if he wanted his greenie & charcoal biscuit (part of the morning routine).  I was in my favorite seat, a recliner, with my feet out.  I pointed to my left and asked "Want potty?" then pointed to my right and asked "Want greenie?".  He sat there for a few seconds then got up from my left side and moved to my right side.  He had thought about the new "puzzle" and worked it out.

At times his intelligence almost scares me.  I think he's the smartest dog we've had.  I really doubt either Una or Max would have understood this challenge within seconds.  It would have taken several tries for the concept to sink in (if it did).

Now, if we'd just get the loose leash walking and greeting people mastered.

A recent photo as I was taking sunset photos on the way home from Idaho.  It's a composite of Tom & Marley and one of the sunset shots that could be blended. (The original shots of them didn't have enough color in the sky).

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