Tuesday, February 7, 2017

He loves his puzzle

Marley is a huge fan of routine.  We start the day with treat in a Kong ball.  Then we toss a ball for him ... he gets a piece of kibble every time he brings it back, and a piece across the room to position him for the next toss.  He gets a greenie and a charcoal biscuit after one of his morning potty breaks - he has to seek it out with his nose.  Then somewhere in the late morning or early afternoon he gets to solve his puzzle.

His puzzle has 7 holes to hold treats.  Two of them have flipper covers, two have "towers" to lift off (he knocks them over) and the last 3 have 2 sliders.  He often checks some of the holes several times in case he missed a treat, but he general clears it within 30 seconds to a minute.

Here he is in action:

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