Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Would you believe he's helping fix dinner?

Tonight I'm being lazy, fixing chicken patty sandwiches & potato crowns in the air fryer.  I cook the chicken patties on one side, flip and finish cooking.   When it dinged the first time, he ran in the kitchen to keep an eye on things.  When it dinged the second time and I didn't jump right up to take care of it, he came and barked at me.  Now he's very antsy as the potato crowns cook. 

I think it probably is rooted in self interest.  We have been gradually introducing him to "pre-wash", meaning he gets to lick the plates when we're done.  So far, he's taking it in stride ... other than now feeling entitled to them and overseeing dinner prep. 

He's spent more and more time in the kitchen when meals are being prepped.  He's learned there's food, there's sometimes "fallout" and sometimes even deliberate treats.  Now, he's taken it a step further and seems to realize that activity, with or without bodies, means there will be food.

We'll see how this behavior progress over the next weeks.

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