Monday, November 7, 2016

Charlotte is staying in more ... most of the time

As the nights consistently drop into the mid to low 30s Charlotte is spending a lot more time inside with us.  She'll go out and be back within 5 minutes or so.  She'll be gone a while, then show up shortly after we turn on the porch lights (we do it to "call" her in the dark).  She's started seeking more physical contact again, too.  Lap time.  And under the covers time.

Last night she not only spent quite a while under the covers with us, she stayed while I made a potty break.  When I was settling back in I felt to see if she was still there, then petted her a little.  I moved my hand away and almost immediately she reached over to pull my hand back to rest on her shoulders.

I plan to work on getting her used to her harness, then add the leash.  Maybe that will be a way to get her outside, and keep her too.  Of course, it's almost impossible to hunt on a leash ...

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