Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Everybody to the vet

This morning it was time for Charlotte's annual (now biennial) trip to the vet.  At a year and a quarter she weighs in at 10 pounds.  We weighed her in her crate, then they weighed her crate without her and wrote the crate weight on it so next time we can just plop her on the scale and do the math.

She's nice & healthy.  She didn't seem too upset by what was going on, even when she was restrained and when she got her 3 shots (she gets rabies shots since she spends a lot of time outside and she hunts).

Her crate smelled of pee - not sure if it was old pee that her body heat warmed or if it was fresh, since I gave her no opportunity to use the litter box before we left.  I just scooped her up from a nap and put her in the crate.  Either way, the towels get washed and put back in the crate for next time. 

Surprisingly, she didn't protest or resist going back in the crate when Dr. Hopkins was done with her.  Not surprisingly, as soon as we were home and she was out of the crate (in the house) she took the next opportunity to go outside.  Surprisingly, she was in her nest box on the porch when we got back from post office.  I had expected her to disappear over to the garage or out in the ferns somewhere for several hours.  Maybe she's really appreciating the warmth of the house.

What about Marley?  He is getting used to the car barrier.  We just couldn't risk him jumping from back to front at a bad time.  He'd just stand on the front edge of the back seat, then suddenly he'd be in flight to Tom's lap and feet.  Having Charlotte crying in her carrier seemed to let him know how much "worse" it could be for him.  And letting her loose in the car with him ... NOT GONNA HAPPEN.  Never.  No way.  That could get us all killed.

We did take Marley inside to weigh him.  Our vet has a nice, big walk-on scale with digital readout.  He's now at 51.8 pounds.  He's 6-1/2 months old.  He's going to weigh more than Max (about 70 pounds, mostly hair, tall and lean) and maybe more than Una (about 80 pounds).

Looks like this is going to wind up being a small cat, big dog family.  And that's just fine with us.

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