Saturday, November 19, 2016

A bad night out

The other night it was dark when we got home from Marley's class.  Tom was unloading the car in the dark, bringing in the groceries.  He left the back hatch open the whole time as he made the needed trips to & from the house.  After a few minutes the interior lights go out.  Since Charlotte is dark gray and it was dark outside (the porch lights don't reach out that far), he didn't see that she'd jumped inside the car.  He closed it up and we finished our evening as usual.

Toward bedtime we expected her to come in.  No sign of her.  When Marley had his last trip out for the night we expected her to come in.  No sign of her.  Tom called her.  Tom offered her "crunchies".  No sign of her.  That happens some times. 

In the morning we expected her to come in, maybe even complaining, first time Marley went out.  No sign of her.  Later in the morning, still no sign.  Finally, Tom went and looked in the car.  There she was, curled up on the front seat.  She was quite happy to come in with him.

Today, while we were on mushroom patrol, she came and joined in the fun.  I got a bit worried because as I'd point out the bleeping 'shrooms, she'd come check them out.  I started to worry she might try to nibble them and we'd be taking her to the vet.  I can't imagine dealing with a cat and mushroom poisoning - they don't deal well with confinement.  She was happy to some inside out of the snow with us, though.  So, all is well for now.

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