Thursday, December 24, 2015

The Fox and the Kitty

Charlotte has an unusual toy -  a fox tail.  Not the grass type of fox tail that is the bane of all pet owners, but the tail of a red fox that had been hit by a car on the highway years ago.  We collected the road-killed fox (I had asked a Wildlife officer about collecting the tail - he told us we had to collect the whole animal and properly dispose of the parts we didn't want). 

Since it was never tanned in any way, it is stiff.  Charlotte doesn't mind.  Sometimes she carries it around - despite it being longer than she is.  Lately, we wake up with it in bed between us.  She also likes to wrap her front legs around it and kick at it with her back legs (as if disemboweling an enemy).  To get her going again, all we have to do is pick it up and move it a bit, and she's on the attack.

The real fun combo for her is laundry and fox tail.  Every time we take the laundry basket upstairs to fold and put away clothes, she's there and all about pulling things out of the basket.  Then, when it's empty she'll jump in with her fox tail and kill it over and over.

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