Monday, December 14, 2015

Not a fun night

There's nothing that will ruin a night's sleep faster than a safety alarm going off.  Sometimes our furnace runs a really short cycle that doesn't heat the vent pipe.  If it's cold enough outside the cold air in the top of the pipe keeps the warm air from rising and exhausting.  So the CO detector gets us out of bed at 4 am to clear the air and get the damned thing to reset to zero.  I hate running fans and opening windows to sub-zero temperatures, but we've got to get the air cleared.  It doesn't come back, so it's not that we have a leak or blockage.  It only happens when a certain set of circumstances all match up.

So we got the CO detector cleared, the CO cleared out of the house and went back to bed.  It went OK for a while.  Then, around 7 am, Charlotte decided it was time for us to get up.  She was up and full of energy.  Unfortunately, one of her new passions is jumping & climbing curtains.  The only curtain she can reach in the bedroom is right over & behind our heads.  She'll pounce on feet, bounce up the bed, and launch ... sometimes off our heads or faces.  "Nicely" grabbing her and setting her gently in a better place does not good.  Last night, the third night she's done it, we were grabbing whatever body part came to hand in the dark and sending a bit less than gently to the foot of the bed or off the bed.  We only both grabbed her at the same time once - one back leg and one front leg.  We'll see tonight if it did any good.

This morning she started a bit with the curtains by the table.  She loves to sun herself in that windowsill.  Down here, and with both of us up for the day, I have an air horn (one of those canned ones you carry on a boat) to blast at her.  Too bad we all have to be subjected to that noise.  We'll be searching for a better solution for all of us.

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