Sunday, December 27, 2015


Charlotte is a solid 5 pounds now.  (Weighed her this morning.)  For the most part she is a loving, sweet kitty.  A little wild, but that's to be expected at 4-1/2 months.  But, her go-to move is to bite.  When a kitty is fired up while playing, some biting is to be expected.  But, when she wants something to stop - petting, holding, etc. - she will grab and bit.  And her teeth are very sharp.  One of the last bites I received goes around one side of a knuckle.  The slicing bite feels about the same as a scratch.  Other times, though, she bites deeply.

Charlie would bite us, but only when we got him fired up  by challenging him to catch our hands on the bed.  There would be many warnings and indicators, so when he did bite it was at our instigation.

Charlotte just reaches out and bites as a "don't do that" with little or no warning behavior.  Regardless of all the expert advice about how to discipline a cat ... we will stop the biting.

A few behaviors are starting to show up as she grows up.  She has started the "chitter" - that strange sound that comes with a vibrating, partly open mouth - when she's hunting a toy.  And that odd butt lift that happens when you pet her full length along her back.  You see those in adult cats, but have just started to show up with her.

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