Sunday, December 13, 2015

After being gone a little over a week, it looks like Charlotte has grown some more.  Of course, I expected it, she's a growing kitten.  She weighed just under 4 pounds a couple weeks ago, now she's just under 5 pounds. 

Last night she got crazier than we've ever seen her before.  She got out into the garage a couple times and really didn't want to come back in.  After Tom went to bed she got pretty much psychotic.  I don't know how many times she went after Max.  Time and again I heard him bark.  He tried to move someplace she'd leave him alone.  It was no good.  She followed him and went at him again.  And again.  I don't know if she just pounced next to him or if she was actually pouncing on him. 

When I went upstairs to bed she continued harassing Max, then moved on the pouncing on plastic bags in the bedroom and climbing the closet door to see if she could pull down my robes.  When she tired of that she'd run across the bed, including us, and jump onto the curtain over the head of the bed.  The last time she tried it, I grabbed her by the tail and sent her toward the edge of the bed.

Eventually, she did settle.  Somewhere.  I didn't see or hear her again until after I got up to go to the bathroom.  Then she was ready for a cuddle under the covers for a little bit.

What a night!

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