Tuesday, September 13, 2016


Marley is getting much, much closer to being potty trained.  But, it's still "closer", not "trained".  In the last couple of nights he's done some "interesting" things.  Mostly not good things.

There's nothing like hearing the quiet little whine/whimper in the wee wee hours of the night, getting up, using the bathroom, putting on my robe, heading out to the laundry room to put on the Crocs, only to find Marley has detoured over to the dining room to drop a steaming pile of ...  It doesn't happen often, but when it does it really sorta ruins the rest of the night.  So, night before last I found myself mopping the pee spot in the laundry room where that had seeped through the rug he peed on, then mopping the place where he'd dropped one of the biggest poops of his life.  Try getting back to sleep after that.

Or last night, like a few other nights and days, he got me up at 1:20 to pee.  Then he got me up at 1:50 to poop.  Then he got me up (I thought) another time (not sure when), but didn't want to go out and hadn't left any "surprises".  Then he got up about 5 and again about 5:30.  I say I thought he got me up because several times last night I thought he was whining, but it turned out Tom's nose (or some part of his airway system) was making a very, very similar sound as he breathed; quite different from his usual sounds.  Needless to say, that raised heck with sleep. 

Oh, and at 3 or so, there was a lot of thumping from the bathroom.  The mouse Charlotte had captured and released, and captured and released, and captured and released earlier in the evening was between the litter box and the wall and she was trying to get at it.  I  moved the litter box and the chase began again.  And it got away from her again.  Right now it's somewhere under/in my stove.

Unlike our last cat, Charlie, she did not capture the mouse, bring it in the house and release it.  Her mouth was empty when she came in.  Too bad she's only a hunter.  She caught it many times, but never harmed it enough to even slow it down.  She knows to chase, but not what to do when she has caught her prey. 

So, we know she'd never survive as a barn cat or feral cat, even if she wasn't picked off by a predator herself.

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