Saturday, September 24, 2016


With the cooler wetter weather we've been invaded by mice.  First it was one mouse that got away from Charlotte.  It found the trap under the kitchen sink.  We thought we'd taken care of the problem.  Then we started having more mice.  We've made sure Charlotte has access to all the spaces we've seen or heard mice.  She's caught and eaten at least 3.  The latest one, I woke to noises in the bathroom. Charlotte was chasing, catching & releasing another mouse.  That was her second one yesterday.

Marley was "helping" her.  He's not quite sure what's going on, what the mouse it, but he wanted to get involved.  When he wanted to take it out of the bathroom, I had to draw the line and close the door to keep him from taking it to the living room or other area with more hiding places.  In the end Charlotte ate it, confirming for us that she is eating them, not just letting them go again in the house.

I think between the two of them we shouldn't need the mousetraps any more.

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