Monday, September 26, 2016

Hunting kicks up a notch

Charlotte is really getting into the hunting.  We've had a total of 6 mice (that we know of) in the house.  One died in the dishwasher, one died in a trap and Charlotte ate the other four.  She's gotten quicker about eating her prey.  And while we think she ate the first two mice (they disappeared between times we checked on her); we her eat the last two, so we know she's eating what she catches. 

This morning she caught and quickly at a bird.  From seeing her stalking to when it was gone was only a minute or two.  I was busy with Marley, so the bird had no chance of rescue.  I think she probably killed it at the first strike since she laid it on its back and it never moved.

I'd rather she stick to mice and such, but an outdoor cat needs to be able to fend for itself in case there's a reason it can't come inside to the cushy food bowl and bed.

We make sure the traps are put away and the cupboards are either open or that she can open them when she's in the house.  She's able to track them down rather than wait for them to find, and trigger, the traps.  It also gives her a reason to come back inside.  And, with the hunting she's not eating near as much kibble. 

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