Wednesday, April 27, 2016


We've got some flat (not yet set up to fill) packing boxes leaning up against my big computer backpack in the living room.  Charlotte loves the "tunnel" at the bottom - that triangular gap on the floor.  She was playing in it and hiding in it, but we didn't realize how much she liked it until we straightened up the boxes.  That looked a bit neater, but it removed that "tunnel".  She let us know about it.  So, we slid the bottoms out again so she'd have her tunnel.

That tells me we're going to want to get some big PVC pipe (irrigation pipe?) when we get to Trout Creek.  We'd planned to make her a climbing post from either PVC or 2x4s covered with carpet and mounted to a wall.  Now, I think we'll need a tunnel or two, also.  I'm hoping to design something that won't jar too much with the house & furniture.  The color & texture or the carpet we use to cover the PVC pipes should take care of that.  Now, to think of the places to put tunnels for her.

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