Monday, April 18, 2016

New Digs

We're in the process of slowly moving from state to another.  The house we're moving to is almost twice the size of the one where we are.  And, being a log house it has deep window sills.  And a lot of linoleum in the large kitchen & dining room.  She loves to tear into a room with a slick floor then skid across the floor and rumple up any throw rugs.

With all the floor space, she loves to run the length of the house.  And she loves to go "fishing".  I bought a kid's fishing kit (all in one rod & reel, complete with line & a practice plug).  I cast toward the bathroom or kitchen and she chases the plug.  She hates to have the line touch her - that triggers a whirl & run, which catches the line and really pulls out the line until she gets free, often behind a piece of furniture.  Sometimes she just watches it go by after she runs to it.  I have to keep changing directions so she'll chase it.

She loves the window sills.  Between the deep sills in the dining room, living room and bedrooms, and the sliding glass door in the living room, she can look out all four sides of the house.  The sills are deep enough for her to lounge.

She made a happy "I know where I am" sound when we pulled into the garage in this this house when we returned to our current home.  I'm hoping, expecting, her to have a similar reaction when we return to the new house.

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