Saturday, March 5, 2016

So, THAT's why she plays with the shower curtain

From her early days with us, Charlotte has had a fascination with the shower curtain.  As soon as we're through showering she's in there.  Most days we can let the curtain get mostly dry before we flip it up over the curtain rod to get it out of her reach. 

This weekend I've been watching ... it's the water drops.  When she pounces the water drops on the upper part roll down to where she is.  So it's a real game for her.  Pounce!  Rolling water drops.  Pounce! Rolling water drops.  The sound of it kinda makes us crazy.  But now I realize it's not the curtain, it's the water she's playing with.

It's so "fun" to have her come straight from the bathtub to our laps.  On a light day she's just got wet feet.  On a heavy play day she's got very wet feet, wet butt, wet tail.  And the more of her that's wet, the more likely she is to sit on us and share the wet.  Yippee!

Other times she'll play in the tub (including licking the tub walls) and go out to the garage and come back muddy from the dirt she gets into on the garage floor.  Most of it started as road grime on the bottom of the car.

One of these days we'll have to see how she does with cruising the edge of the tub while one of us is taking a bath.  (My first cat loved to try to catch the little squirts I'd shoot from my fists.)  We'll have to bathe without the little space heater - she hates it.  There's something about noisy fans - doesn't matter if it's the space heater in the bathroom or the dash vent fan on high in the car.

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