Sunday, March 20, 2016

Fetch! At bedtime

Last night Charlotte brought the (electronic) squeaky mouse up to our bed just as we were going to bed.  Tom tossed it out the bedroom door.  She brought it back.  He tossed it again.  She brought it back again.  And again.  And again.  She kept bringing it back, and Tom kept tossing it (and I was guilty a time or two).  It went on for nearly a half hour! 

On the plus side, when she settled down, she settled for the night.  On the minus side, I figure she now knows she has us trained and it will become a part of going to bed most nights.  Like I've said before, we have to be careful how we react to her attempts to train us.  This one might have been a mistake.

Charlotte having breakfast among the herbs

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