Sunday, June 14, 2015

Trip to Idaho

Today, I'm in Idaho.  It's time to look for a better selection (and prices, maybe) of produce, and to get a few items that aren't available in Trout Creek or Thompson Falls.

Missoula is 115 miles east of the "Mason Rancho".  Sandpoint, Idaho is only about 50 miles west.  Here I can find a couple of large supermarkets, Walmart, Home Depot, etc. And I can sit in Starbucks and update my computer, do my email, etc

Once I've got all the Windows updates installed and I've done the other internet stuff I need to do, I'll finish my Idaho trip with a round of shopping and maybe a lunch for the road back.  This will be a fairly routine trip a few times over the summer.  Thompson Falls has fewer than 1500 residents, so they can't support any of the big box stores or major grocery chains.  So, you accept less selection and higher prices, or you take a drive. 

This end of Idaho, northern panhandle is less than 75 miles across.  That makes it possible to do a day trip across parts of 3 states and back for a shopping trip to Spokane, WA!  It's less than 150 miles each way.  For those of you in Grand County, CO, it would be like a day trip to Colorado Springs, but from Montana, through Idaho, to Washington.

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