Friday, June 26, 2015

Cool Coastal WeatherT

Today, to escape the heat (around 100) we packed a lunch and headed out to the coast.

At McKerricher State Park, in Fort Bragg, the seals were out on the rocks.  The tide was out (but coming back in) and people were checking out the tide pools.  The fog was getting ready to come in.  After a walk on the boardwalk and a picnic lunch, we headed further down the coast. 

There were plenty of flowers out, too, in a variety of colors.  The wild radish was plentiful in white, pink and yellow.  There was a wild geranium of some kind, brodeia, ice plant and some composites I'm not familiar with.

We wound up going further than originally planned, but with the fog it was all cool.  And that was the idea.  When we came back into the Hwy 101 corridor, the temperature was bearable, but with each mile we moved north it got hotter.  It was still in the 90s when we got back to the house and inside was hotter since it had been closed up for the day.  The fans came on and the temperature started coming down.

Not sweltering through the day as it heated up made a big difference - instead of sticky sweaty clothes, we came into the heat as it was starting to abate, so it's much better than last night.

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