Saturday, April 25, 2015

Wacky Weather

Springtime in the Rockies can be exciting.  But, it's almost never boring.  Yesterday, for example, we had sunshine, wind, rain, snow and graupel (soft hail/snow).  None of that surprised me.  It's springtime.  However, just before bedtime, when I stepped out the back door to put the dog on his trolley, I almost landed on my butt.  The day had been humid enough that instead of drying out the last rain/snow had frozen in thin later of ice on the wood deck.  Since I had on moccasins, I had no traction.  Good thing I holding Max back (he really wants to bolt through the door ahead of us so we hold him back) and going slowly.  Lucky for him he took my advice to go "easy" down and back up the stairs.  Sometimes he jumps the bottom 2-3 stairs and if the snow or ice is slick enough his back legs will slip through and he falls back.  It all worked out this time.  If I'd had to go down to rescue him I might have slipped and fallen, too.

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