Saturday, April 25, 2015

First Post

Not a very imaginative title, but it's honest.  I've sent "travelogue" emails to a large list of people for quite some time.  Lately a number of issues have arisen.  Some people are on an email server that blocks some of my emails (too long, too many photos, or both seems to be the main trigger).  Some people don't really do email, other than to receive it on a "printing mailbox" (a printer hooked to a phone line that prints emails and does nothing else).  So, I already know I can't please everybody.  Some people have been encouraging me to start a blog.

I polled the people on my emailing list (I call it my "spam list" because it has a lot of names on it) to see how they felt about email vs blog.  A number of them said whatever I decided to do would work for them.  One was eager for my blog to start, but several preferred the status quo.  It is easier to just wait for an email to pop up in your inbox. 

So, at least for now, I'm going to try continuing the emails and posting to a blog.  The emails may get a little shorter (who wants to duplicate the effort?) but they'll continue.  I will continue to post photos to Flickr  (www dot Flickr dog com slash photos slash mooseduds)  My account there will let me post many more photos than I can attach to an email.  I'll attach some to the emails, but perhaps limit it to 5 maximum per email to keep it easy on your inboxes.  I may drop the size a bit; one of you told me you'd like to see smaller picture files.  I don't know how small you want them, but I'll go down one size (to 800x600).

So, if you'd like to follow this blog, bookmark it and check in often.  If you're on my "spam list" you'll get an email when I post something significant.  I may not email you when it's a minor "weather report" type of post.

Your feedback will help me improve as we go along ...

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